Administrative Services

Mail and Package Pickup

Mail and Package Pickup

Incoming Mail
First-class and standard mail items (letters and packages) are received by 9 a.m. Monday -Friday from the United States Postal Service (Morris Brown Office). These mail items are sorted and the distributed to students, faculty and staff mailboxes. This process is generally completed daily by 11:30 a.m.

Note: The time allotted for mail distribution may be extended due to the large volume of mail received on Mondays and days preceding a holiday.

A yellow pick-up notice will be placed in the box to inform recipients of any first-class or standard mail item too large too fit into your campus box. First-class and standard mail items do not require a signature.

United States Express Mail, Federal Express, DHL, United Parcel Service (Express & Ground), and Airborne Express are not delivered on a set schedule; therefore, deliveries are accepted throughout the day Monday-Friday.

A computerized pick-up notice will be generated for US Postal Service Express, delivery confirmation, certified, registered letters and packages, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, Airborne Express, and DHL letters and packages, regardless of size. These items have tracking numbers and are considered accountable; therefore, a signature and barcode scan are required to complete the chain of custody from the sender to the addressee.

Heavy Packages
Departments receiving large or heavy packages will be notified and advised to contact Physical Plant to coordinate pick up and delivery. When calling in a work order to Physical Plant, departments should indicate the recipient(s) and the campus mailbox number.

On Saturdays between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon only express deliveries are made.

No Extended Storage
The Mail Center cannot store packages for extended periods due to the large volume of packages received daily. If a package is left unclaimed for 5 business days, a second notice will be issued. Packages not picked-up five business days after the second notice (10 days total) will be returned to the sender.

Routine Mail Pickup
For routine mail pick-up, please refer to the hours of operations (11:30 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.). Earlier attempts to pickup mail from the Center's staff disrupts the processing of mail, so customers are asked to observe regular operating hours. Urgent cases will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Mail Center manager for assistance.

Outgoing Mail
The United States Postal Service (Morris Brown Office) makes two scheduled pickups Monday-Friday, at 12:30 p.m. and 4:20 p.m. These pickups include the blue collection box located in front of the Mail Center. Saturday pickups are scheduled for 1:30 p.m. from the outside collection box only.

The Mail Center will hold Federal Express, United Parcel Express, and Airborne Express packages for pickup, providing the package has been properly packaged and all necessary arrangements with the respective courier (payment and pickup time) have been made.

Federal Express Collection Box
Federal Express has a collection box located outside the Mail Center. It offers mailing labels and packaging material for large envelopes and small packages. Collection time is daily at 6:30 p.m.

Mail Notification
Packages received with bar codes are scanned and a "Notification of Package Received" message is sent to the recipient via email to their desktop. This alerts that a package has been received and can be picked up at the Mail Center window after retrieving the notification slip from their mailbox. Please bring the notification slip to the Mail Center Window for validation and receipt of package.

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